The Heist

Puzzle Room - Lisbonne
2,5 / 5 1 avis

Virgílio Marçal was a Portuguese smuggler aspiring to be a navigator, or a navigator condemned to be a smuggler. He never traveled without two things: his gray hat and the dream of finding a treasure.

Lorenzo Lopez, a lonely and unlikable Spaniard passing goods to smugglers, had a particular affinity for Virgílio. On one of those business mornings on the border, Virgílio didn’t find Lorenzo. In his place was a letter with Virgílio’s name and an address written on a small paper. It read: “Rua do Passadiço, 142, Lisboa”. On the inside of the envelope, written in pencil, was a date and hour, followed by a note that had clearly been written in a hurry, saying: – “I need you and your partners to find the map in an hour. I'm counting on you, my dear friend.” But what was this map Lorenzo wanted Virgílio to find? And where was Lorenzo?

Distressed and intrigued by the disappearance of his friend, not knowing what he would find, our navigator/smuggler headed for Lisbon.

“I have one hour...”

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1363 escapes réalisés 1363 escapes 1303 escapes notés 1303 avis 89 avis utiles salle jouée le 13 février 2020 joué le 13 févr. 2020
Ne soyez pas très regardant sur les décors ni sur les effets de surprises, car il n'y a rien de particulier ici! Bon, après, on n'a pas bâclé la pièce, mais c'est clair qu'on a vu bien mieux par le passé et on verra bien mieux dans le futur...

Décor et son






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Rua do Passadiço, 142, 1150-256 Lisbonne

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