Da Vinci Code

Game Over - Lisbonne
5 / 5 1 avis

The Illuminati secret society is well known. They hunt secrets, mysteries and artifacts, and claim that it is God who guides them directly. What we do not yet know is, to what extent they may already be infiltrated into the Vatican. The head of security, Jacopo Alessandri, has contacted your group of historians to give you a mission. To explore the Vatican archives and try to find evidence that the Illuminatti are planning something. Your main objective is to protect the Holy Grail and make sure that it is safe, while gathering evidence that will incriminate the Illuminatti. You don't have much time, do it quickly and the church will be eternally grateful, but if you fail this mission the Vartican will have to get rid of you... for knowing too much!

Plus d'informations

Enquête / Mystère, Série / Film / Roman
Langues disponibles
Âge minimum
8 ans

Avis de la communauté

100% 1 avis - 1 commentaire
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Trier par :

73 escapes réalisés 73 escapes 46 escapes notés 46 avis salle jouée le 6 août 2024 joué le 6 août 2024
Un thème original, une salle vraiment belle, des énigmes très sympas, c’était génial!

Décor et son






2 joueurs ont joué cette salle

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Rua de O Século 4B, 1200-435 Lisbonne

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