Spider-Man - Reptilia

Marvel Mission - Lisbonne
3,5 / 5 1 avis

Dr. Curt Connors has requested a special genetics project to be completed for his extracurricular classes and we need to finish it before today's project deadline.

Your class has been divided into two groups: you and your friends, and another one formed by other classmates that will be at the local library looking for useful information. Our friend Peter Parker is a member of that other group.

You will have 45 minutes to finish and deliver the results of your work all while solving formulas, deciphering messages and ultimately performing the experiment!

Just an ordinary science school project. What could possibly go wrong...?

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183 escapes réalisés 183 escapes 10 escapes notés 10 avis salle jouée le 13 août 2022 joué le 13 août 2022

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Marvel Mission - Lisbonne

1 jeu

Av. Cruzeiro Seixas 5 e 7, 2650-504 Lisbonne


Av. Cruzeiro Seixas 5 e 7, 2650-504 Lisbonne

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