The Scream of Agrabah

Game Over - Lisbonne
5 / 5 1 avis

Beneath a sky full of restless stars, Agrabah suffers under the weight of a dark curse. The Three Ancient Gems, symbols of hope long lost, wait for someone to liberate them from the darkness that envelops them.

Summoned by mysterious forces, you venture through the shadows of this ancient realm, facing unimaginable horrors: abandoned crypts and vengeful specters that lurk in every corner, challenging your perception of reality.

Driven by the whispers of ancient legends, it falls upon you to separate truth from illusion to unveil the secrets that keep Agrabah in chains. The key to breaking the curse lies in your courage and insight.

Be careful, a single mistake can seal your fate and that of the kingdom. The future of Agrabah lies in your hands.

Plus d'informations

Aventure, Série / Film / Roman
Langues disponibles
Âge minimum
8 ans

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73 escapes réalisés 73 escapes 46 escapes notés 46 avis salle jouée le 6 août 2024 joué le 6 août 2024
Certaines énigmes sont vraiment originales, c’était vraiment top !

Décor et son






2 joueurs ont joué cette salle

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Rua de O Século 4B, 1200-435 Lisbonne

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