La Misión del Profesor

Game Over - Lisbonne
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The time has come for the greatest heist of all time. Put your masks and uniforms on and show what you are capable of. The plan has been carefully thought out. Each of you has been assigned a fake name, use it at all times! If you reveal your identity you will jeopardize the entire operation. The prize? A billion in cash, more than any of you could ever imagine. But it's not all sweet dreams. As soon as you gloriously enter the Mint, doors have been closed and alarms deactivated. The money awaits you, but now the challenge begins. Your team will be tested as never before. Can you stick together under pressure and during difficult choices, or will you give in and turn on each other? The Professor's plan has already been initiated, and the greatest danger is yourselves. With only 1 hour left, will you be able to withstand all the pressure and emerge victorious?

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Cambriolage, Série / Film / Roman
Langues disponibles
Âge minimum
8 ans

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Game Over - Lisbonne

12 jeux

Campo de Santa Clara 160A, 1200-435 Lisbonne

+351 926 871 858


Campo de Santa Clara 160A, 1200-435 Lisbonne

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