Escape the Cage

Mastermind - Berne
3,5 / 5 1 avis

Theater enjoys a high status in the steampunk universe. The cultural offerings are varied, but puppet theater is particularly highly regarded. As a cultivated lover of contemporary puppet theater, you come across a competition that promises free tickets for a unique show experience and entices you with big words. Of course you take part and only a few days later you find an envelope in your letterbox containing golden tickets. The inscription tells you that you have been selected.

But for what? It all seems very mysterious, but you can't stop thinking about it.

A short time later, the time has come. Curious, you make your way to the address given. There you are welcomed by a shady, hunchbacked figure who speaks of a “new form of puppetry” and leads you through dark corridors deep inside the building. Finally, the figure tells you that the show will begin in an hour and that you should make yourselves comfortable while he pushes you into a dark room, close together, and lets the door fall shut behind you. It quickly dawns on you that something is not quite right here and you wonder whether you are supposed to be more than just spectators...

Tick tock, tick tock, the clock is ticking...

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1363 escapes réalisés 1363 escapes 1303 escapes notés 1303 avis 87 avis utiles salle jouée le 19 juin 2022 joué le 19 juin 2022

Décor et son






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Laupenstrasse 20, 3007 Berne

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