Escape the Winkelgasse

Mastermind - Berne
5 / 5 1 avis

Congratulations! You are the chosen group of wizard apprentices who must solve the mystery of Diagon Alley. Amidst chaos and darkness, you must solve the puzzles to restore the magical street.

In Mr. Mulpepper's herb cauldron you will find a map with a secret code. It will lead you to Ollivander's wand shop, where you will discover a mysterious door.

Behind the door you will reach a mysterious place. You will solve puzzles, overcome obstacles and find an enchanted mirror. This will reveal the secret of Diagon Alley. Or will it?

With your combined forces, you unleash the trapped magic and Diagon Alley shines in new splendor. The shops open, the windows shine in colors and the people return.

Now hurry up and solve the riddle of Diagon Alley. If you complete the task, you will have solved the secret of Diagon Alley and brought back the magic. Your success will be immortalized in the history of the wizarding world. Keep the memories of this adventure in your hearts forever.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock, time is running out..

Plus d'informations

Fantastique, Série / Film / Roman
Langues disponibles
Âge minimum
5 ans

2 joueurs ont joué cette salle

3 joueurs l'ont sur leur wishlist

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44 escapes réalisés 44 escapes 11 escapes notés 11 avis salle jouée le 10 juillet 2024 joué le 10 juil. 2024


2 joueurs ont joué cette salle

3 joueurs l'ont sur leur wishlist


Laupenstrasse 20, 3007 Berne

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