Escape from Earth

Mastermind - Berne
4 / 5 1 avis

Humanity has managed to ruin itself, everything that science has been warning about for years has come true. The weather has become more and more extreme, resources have become scarcer and finally there is not much left of the earth as we know it. You may have survived the natural disasters and famines, but you lead a pretty bleak life. Your former possessions and wealth are of no use to you now.

For weeks you have been wandering through the wasteland in the hope of meeting a living soul. Nobody knows exactly how many people have survived the numerous catastrophes, but you don't want to give up hope of finding more survivors just yet. Because in the dark nights you hear strange noises from time to time. Are they radio signals or unknown flying objects that only move in the night?

One morning as you are walking through the deserted area and you wonder whether you have already passed this exact spot a few hours ago, you discover something behind one of the dusty piles of rubble that have been piled up here. At first you think it's just your imagination, but as you step closer you are certain: it's a door!

You push down the dusty handle and enter... You can hardly believe what awaits you.

Tick tock, tick tock, the clock is ticking...

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1365 escapes réalisés 1365 escapes 1305 escapes notés 1305 avis 90 avis utiles salle jouée le 19 juin 2022 joué le 19 juin 2022

Décor et son






15 joueurs ont joué cette salle

2 joueurs l'ont sur leur wishlist


Laupenstrasse 20, 3007 Berne

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