Dusk of Ra

R.A.V.E.N - Zaventem
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A mysterious device has been found in the Giza plateau in Egypt.

The R.A.V.E.N. Foundation decided to send their specialist professor Sandoval to investigate. A month later, updates are getting scarcer and go from bad to worse and then,

no more...

Since then, the Foundation has been requesting aid from the army and experts in different fields. As all help has failed, the Foundation decided to dig deeper and search for people with unique talents to help solve this mystery. They're expecting you to reach out NOW. Become the experts who will be known for having saved the Foundation and probably the world!

“Dusk of Ra” is a unique mission to be experienced with a group of 4 to 6 people. As a team, you will have to use all your intelligence, deduction skills and sense of observation in order to find the clues which allow you to solve all the riddles. The team will be granted access to a fully dedicated special agent. As your operator he's in charge of the liaison between your team and the R.A.V.E.N. Foundation. His assignment is to brief the team and provide support during the expedition to Egypt.

The world is in dire straits and require your assistance!

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Excelsiorlaan 16, 1930 Zaventem

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