Correctional Facility

Salle fermée En visio
Let Me Out - Wroclaw
3 / 5 1 avis

A prison cell, a perspective of the long-term sentence and the lack of hope for any parole, despite the unjust judgment. Someone framed you. Now you have no choice - you have to do everything to save your life! For several months you have been working on a plan to escape... The prison guard is right next door, you hear his steps, the characteristic sound of his coughing and the jingle of his keys. You have the last chance to get away tonight and try to clear yourself of charges outside the walls!

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1389 escapes réalisés 1389 escapes 992 escapes notés 992 avis 15 avis utiles salle jouée le 24 août 2020 joué le 24 août 2020


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Let Me Out - Wroclaw

6 jeux

ul. Bernardyńska 4, 2 Floor, 50-041 Wroclaw

+48 724 426 431

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