Toy Rescue

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Outatime Games - Wilmette
3 / 5 1 avis

Well, Luke's Mom has done it with her last-minute garage sale, she frantically picked up a box of your four favorite toys and put it in the garage for sale. Hearing the ruckus of this weekend's sale from across the yard, the neighborhood bully, a 12 year-old named Cliff, broke into Luke's garage last night and stolen these toys and now are part of his diabolical plan to launch these into orbit to make these the first toys in outer space. But luck has given you a chance, a sudden thunderstorm has delayed Cliff's fun for 60 minutes. Could you help your real life host (avatar) sneak into Cliff's room, save your toys and get out in time or will it be too late?

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Série / Film / Roman
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1391 escapes réalisés 1391 escapes 993 escapes notés 993 avis 15 avis utiles salle jouée le 16 août 2020 joué le 16 août 2020


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