Flight 815

Salle fermée
Down the Hatch - Voorburg
3,5 / 5 1 avis

You are enjoying a pleasant and stable flight back from Australia, till you notice a bit of turbulation. The plane starts to shock and suddenly everything gets dark for your eyes. when you wake up, you have no clue what happened. Did the plane land, or are you having a nightmare? When you can think clear again.. you have no idea where you are.. but the most important question is...

How can you leave this place?

FLIGHT 815 is not playable if you have mobility problems.

Plus d'informations

Date de fermeture
Juillet 2021

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1389 escapes réalisés 1389 escapes 992 escapes notés 992 avis 15 avis utiles salle jouée le 28 octobre 2019 joué le 28 oct. 2019


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