The Mine

Time-Busters - Vienne
2,5 / 5 1 avis
1 test

Who was it who at all costs wanted to explore this abandoned mine with its dark, damp galleries and lost or forgotten objects? Well, it doesn’t really matter, because actually you all wanted to undertake a forbidden mystery tour and feel this creepy excitement in your stomachs again, didn’t you? Fair enough, but may be you shouldn’t have broken that lock at the entrance open and ignored the warning signs!

And while these thoughts are crossing your mind, the planks at the gate start to creek and clank louder and louder until finally the adit comes tumbling down in a roar. At this point the old explosion-proof mine telephone unexpectedly rings. You lift the receiver and are petrified, the unavoidable is looming ahead.

If you choose to go on the Mine Mission you will need oxygen and dynamite! A Room-Escape Game where you are looking for the exit. Follow this link and you will be redirected to the online booking of your “explosive” adventure in the very heart of Vienna.

This Room-Escape Mission is designed for 2 to 6 players. If you want to experience the fascination of the unknown, then don’t be afraid to pave your way back to the outer world!

You have the choice between light or darkness. You want to play this mission with the lights on or with helmet and headlamp. You have to inform the Game Master before starting the game.

Plus d'informations

Langues disponibles
Âge minimum
14 ans

5 joueurs ont joué cette salle

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Trier par :

Serial Escapers
511 salles testées
On a aimé
- Des énigmes dans le thème
- Des énigmes nombreuses et multilinéaires
- Une décoration qui fait très bien l'affaire
On a moins aimé
- Un oubli de rangement
- Un accueil qui nous fait penser à des petites économies
- Une énigme casse tête hors sujet
- Une ambiance trop peu présente

1389 escapes réalisés 1389 escapes 992 escapes notés 992 avis 15 avis utiles salle jouée le 26 décembre 2019 joué le 26 déc. 2019


5 joueurs ont joué cette salle

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Rembrandtstrasse 24, 1020 Vienne

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