The Nun

No Way Out - Vienne
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1 test

Saving little girl Sandy put the city into calm and peaceful mind until mysteries started appearing randomly by them own. Residents keep disappearing and it seems like the evil is wounded but not yet killed. Exploring dark and damp sewage of Vienna be prepared to feel the presence of spirits. The smell, the noise, the happenings inside are terrifying as if the devil himself is walking nearby. The devil in guise of the Nun.

The scariest and the biggest escape room with actor in Austria is going to test your composure against horror things that are going to happened at every step of the game. Be ready for Part 2!

City of Vienna is terrified by the spirit of the Nun. Go through all the mazes until you face her! You should know by then what to do.

Plus d'informations

Frisson / Horreur
Langues disponibles
Âge minimum
10 ans

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Trier par :

Serial Escapers
511 salles testées
On a aimé
- Les espaces
- La présence d'un acteur pour créer la peur
- La décoration
- La nonne
- La crédibilité des espaces
On a moins aimé
- Une trop grande linéarité
- Des énigmes trop simples si vous n'avez pas peur


9 joueurs ont joué cette salle

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Rauhensteingasse 7, 1010 Vienne

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