
Mission Escape Sydney - Sydney
3 / 5 1 avis

You are a special forces group, code-name 'Skyfall' from the Australian National Security Agency and there is a highly classified mission for you:

You have received intelligence that a terrorist has placed bombs containing a mutated virus on a train soon to depart from Sydney.

With limited clues, you must discover which train it is, and defuse the bombs as soon as possible. You must act quickly to prevent a tragedy...

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Âge minimum
15 ans

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129 escapes réalisés 129 escapes 114 escapes notés 114 avis salle jouée le 14 juillet 2023 joué le 14 juil. 2023


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Mission Escape Sydney - Sydney

2 jeux

724 George Street, HSBC Building, Haymarket, 10000 Sydney

+61 2 8937 0205


724 George Street, HSBC Building, Haymarket, 10000 Sydney

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