Secrets of Professor Lind

Questomania - Sofia
3,2 / 5 3 avis
1 test

You are investigating the disappearance of a professor - head of a secret governmental laboratory to investigate paranormal phenomena.

Many questions arise from its mysterious lack. What secrets have remained hidden in his home? Over what he worked secretly from everyone? Who's looking for him and why? You have exactly an hour to reveal all!

You are in his home where all the answers are masked with secret codes and ciphers. Only the courageous, fast and wise will be able to find the exit, save the professor and fight with the invaders.

You have 60 minutes to reveal all of this!

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Enquête / Mystère
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Les potes d’échappement
594 salles testées
Un escape game très classique dans la réalisation. Si beaucoup de code-cadenas ne vous font pas peur, alors ce scénario vous conviendra.

919 escapes réalisés 919 escapes 874 escapes notés 874 avis salle jouée le 16 novembre 2019 joué le 16 nov. 2019

559 escapes réalisés 559 escapes 455 escapes notés 455 avis salle jouée le 16 novembre 2019 joué le 16 nov. 2019


6 joueurs ont joué cette salle

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20 Pirotska ul, 1000 Sofia

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