Indiana's Adventure

Hollywood Escape Zaragoza - Saragosse
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Indiana's Adventure is an escape room game that we have designed with great detail and with maximum intrigue so that for 75 minutes you and your teammates feel like real explorers.

You will have to face a very ambitious challenge, exploring an ancient civilization to find the greatest treasure in history...

In one of our many expeditions we have found a lost manuscript, only the most intrepid and prepared explorers will be able to interpret it, and enter an unknown world to reach our long-awaited booty. We have heard rumors of the existence of a group of adventurers capable of achieving it, they must find the treasure and send it to us in 75 minutes.

Be careful, night is upon you, you will have to hurry!

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Calle Sta. Catalina, 1, 50001 Saragosse

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