The Earl's Will

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Mysterium Escape - Rome
2 / 5 1 avis

South of England.

Benolt Manor, Earl Ferdinand's residence, conceals a secret: the Earl's will is very well hidden. Passionate about wines and old books, the Earl died in mysterious circumstances, leaving behind his title and all of his wealth, properties and land to a single heir -or at least this is what the elderly residents are saying. A lot of greedy close relatives are after the inheritance, and if the will is not found all those assets will be divided between people who do not deserve it. Are you the heir that the Earl's solicitor has been trying to find for years? Will you be able to find the hidden will? The Earl's solicitor holds a letter from Earl Ferdinand which is full of clues that will help you in your search for the precious document -but the real help will come from his honest and trusted butler. Tally-ho! Enter the adventure of the Earl's Will!

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Enquête / Mystère

Mysterium Escape - Rome

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1389 escapes réalisés 1389 escapes 992 escapes notés 992 avis 15 avis utiles salle jouée le 31 mai 2020 joué le 31 mai 2020


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