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The Padlock - Prague
In one of the corners of Žižkov, there is an almost forgotten cemetery of a family. The families of Mr. Böhm. Mr. Böhme was not born a wealthy person, but acquired all his wealth during his lifetime. However, no one knew how and where he came to him. He went to study as a young man and came back a completely different person. He had power, wealth and extraordinary charisma. He had many women in his life, but despite his charm, none of them lasted. In the end, he died completely alone and without children, and the Žižkov cemetery is the final resting place of him and his family. No one knows what happened to his money, no one knows if he has any relatives, and to be honest, most people probably forgot about him a long time ago.
My grandfather always teased me and told me stories about Mr. Böhm and his life in the evenings. Some were hilarious, after some one was even afraid to fall asleep. Mr. Böhm's wealth was not just that, according to some he even had to cheat death itself, but who knows how it was back then. But it is certain that he did not leave completely without forgetting. Many clues indicate that his wealth is hidden and the path to its acquisition begins precisely at the Böhm family cemetery.
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21 février 2024
C’est ainsi que nous retrouvons de nuit devant les grilles d’un cimetière sombre et lugubre, avec une lanterne à la main.
C’est une chouette aventure, dans un environnement bien reproduit, qui fait légèrement frissonner sans jamais vraiment faire peur. Il y a de jolis effets, avec notamment l’apparition d’un certain personnage.
Il y a de nombreuses manipulations bien dans le... Voir plus
Décor et son
21 février 2024
Décor et son
21 février 2024
Décor et son
29 août 2023
16 joueurs ont joué cette salle
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17 octobre 2024
C’est frisson tout au plus et sans aucun jump scare.
Les décors et l’ambiance lumineuse sont vraiment superbes et la bande son rajoute à l’immersion.
Un ou deux petits effets wahou parsèment également l’aventure.
Niveau énigme, c’est original et sympa, mais beaucoup trop simple et au final, la salle est vraiment très courte avec peu de choses à réaliser.
En bref, une magnifique salle à faire mais qui manque un peu de contenu.
Décor et son