The Legacy

Mazement - Prague
4 / 5 1 avis

Your time is running out...
Grandfather was a famous inventor and a successful businessman. At the end of his life, he discovered that the mafia was trying to get his trade secrets, so he secured them in a safe in his office.

He has prepared instructions for you on how to get to the inheritance. Unfortunately, grandfather's fears were realized.

The mafia took his life and now they are trying to get to his safe as well. You're only an hour ahead of her.

Can you solve all the clues and get the heirloom to safety?

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833 escapes réalisés 833 escapes 816 escapes notés 816 avis 292 avis utiles salle jouée le 17 octobre 2024 joué le 17 oct. 2024
Deuxième salle dans l’enseigne et de nouveau, le concept est vraiment très original.

Les énigmes sont fluides et intéressantes et nous avons vraiment passé un bon moment.

Niveau décors, c’est réaliste et dans le thème.

Décor et son






2 joueurs ont joué cette salle

Personne ne l'a sur sa wishlist


Mazement - Prague

3 jeux

Slezská 27, Praha 3, Vinohrady, 100 00 Prague

+420 220 562 301


Slezská 27, Praha 3, Vinohrady, 100 00 Prague

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