CSI: Atlanta

Salle fermée En visio
Brainstorm Escape - Norcross
2,5 / 5 1 avis

The Department of Homeland Security has discovered that a major terrorist cell has been found in the Atlanta area. The evidence suggests that they are hiding in a nearby suburb to the north, called Norcross, and they are planning something big! You need to figure out where this terrorist event will take place before it is too late. They will carry out their mission in 60 minutes, unless you can stop them.

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Enquête / Mystère
Date de fermeture
Juin 2021

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1387 escapes réalisés 1387 escapes 991 escapes notés 991 avis 15 avis utiles salle jouée le 11 août 2020 joué le 11 août 2020


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Brainstorm Escape - Norcross

Aucun jeu

3060A Business Park Drive, GA 30071 Norcross

+1 770-609-8738

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