Duo dynamique

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Obsidem - Montréal
4,5 / 5 1 avis
1 test

As you are strolling along the streets of beautiful Montreal, a group of unknown masked men come out of knowhere and snatch you. You are now the victim of a kidnapping. They tie you up, duct tape your mouth and blindfold you before throwing you into an old van. The ride is shaky and seems to last forever. Suddenly, they stop.

The van doors open and they drag you into a room where they handcuff you without mercy. You plead with them that it's a mistake as you know nothing and haven't done anything wrong. The kidnappers aren't buying it. They tell you to make yourself confortable because they'll be back in 20 minutes, assuring you that they will do everything they can to make you talk and get what they need.

They left you there in the dark - convinced that they have you paralysed by fear. What they don't know is they are handing you an opportunity, a chance to find a way out. Will you have enough time before it's too late ?

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Date de fermeture
Janvier 2018

Obsidem - Montréal

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La rédaction d'EscapeGame•fr
807 salles testées
Sur le plan du gameplay, c’est une révolution et un bonheur : oubliez vos réflexes d’escape gamer averti car ici tout est permis ou presque. Peu de fouille au programme, surtout de la coopération – beaucoup de coopération ! – et des manipulations. Au final, la salle s’avère intelligemment construite et très agréable à jouer. Nous avons vécu 20 minutes très intenses. En revanche, même si vous parvenez à enchaîner le tout de manière fluide et sans trop de relâchement, il sera très dur de terminer dans les temps, tant dans les actions à réaliser pour s’évader...


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