Suitcase of Dreams

Emporium Escape - Milan
4 / 5 1 avis

From the alley that leads to the shop of the Suitcase of Dreams, dark shadows can still be heard wandering in the fog.

The other inhabitants have not gone there since the suitcase man disappeared.

Have you the nerve to go search this item?
Dreams are desires.
But this is just a children's song.

We all know dreams, good or bad, except for the village suitcases maker, he never dreamed...

A life like everyone else was precluded from him, in the end he just wanted to be normal and have that fantasy capable of making him escape from reality.

The new Emporium of Precious Things seems to sell solutions and grant answers every desire, so why not try to have a better life, a life like everyone else?

The Merchant of the Emporium was waiting for nothing else and offered him what he had always wanted: a special object to dream, dream and dream again.

But was accepting that cursed object the right choice?

Plus d'informations

Enquête / Mystère
Langues disponibles
Âge minimum
6 ans

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828 escapes réalisés 828 escapes 811 escapes notés 811 avis 285 avis utiles salle jouée le 20 janvier 2024 joué le 20 janv. 2024
Salle très particulière. De très bonnes idées, des énigmes bien pensées, une superficie assez grande et des propriétaires très sympathiques. Cependant, tout est décousu et nous nous sommes sentis perdus tout du long. À tester si vous passez dans le coin

Décor et son






2 joueurs ont joué cette salle

2 joueurs l'ont sur leur wishlist


Emporium Escape - Milan

1 jeu

Via Cavour, 60 — Via Cavour, 60, 20026 Novate Milanese MI, Italie, 20026 Milan

+39 351 530 4353


Via Cavour, 60 — Via Cavour, 60, 20026 Novate Milanese MI, Italie, 20026 Milan

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