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Sixty One Escape House - Louvain
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Life threatening situation. Nuclear bomb on Belgian territory. Emergency consultation starts to increase threat level. DOVO compiles new team in cooperation with SWAT.

The investigation shows that the suspect acted very thoughtfully and professionally.

Even his suicide has hit his intended goal of getting, the by him exact wanted, services on the trail of his masterplan crime.

The deceased defendant was an ex-special force agent and expert in the development of explosive devices.

He was also known to have been in trouble with the government for years.

By placing a nuclear bomb in an unknown place in Belgium, he tried to avenge the country.

Your mission is to locate the bomb as quickly as soon as possible by using clues left behind by the suspect.

Another team is ready to defuse the bomb.

Be quick. Time is running out.

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Date de fermeture
Juin 2021

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