Suzy's Cell

Number One Escape Room - Las Vegas
3 / 5 1 avis

In the late 70’s Suzy Creamcheese was a fashion designer for the Las Vegas mob, Elvis, Cher and a host of celebrities. She owned a clothing store on the strip and called it Suzy Creemcheese. Suzy was heavy into the party scene and was busted for cocaine and sent to a special womens prison. Rumor has it she rocked that jail house. Suzy hid her coke in the prison and after a long night of partying forgot where she hid her stash. Your mission is to find Suzy's coke.

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10 ans

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87 escapes réalisés 87 escapes 16 escapes notés 16 avis 1 avis utile salle jouée le 12 novembre 2019 joué le 12 nov. 2019


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1775 E Tropicana Ave, 89119 Las Vegas

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