The Artifact

Escape Experience - La Haye
3,5 / 5 1 avis

A meteorite with unearthly powers is stationed by a secret organization. After years of testing, weird stuff begins to happen in and around the secret facility. Surprisingly all is well, until suddenly all employee's and scientists disappear. A catastrophical disaster is about to unfold when there's no one left to keep an eye out on this special meteorite, "The Artifact".

A new suspenseful escape experience you may not miss!

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Âge minimum
16 ans

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1389 escapes réalisés 1389 escapes 992 escapes notés 992 avis 15 avis utiles salle jouée le 28 octobre 2019 joué le 28 oct. 2019


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Haverkamp 226, 2592BM La Haye

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