The Seventh Room

Dare 2 Escape - Kissimmee
4,5 / 5 2 avis

You have been unpacking for a week now as you continue to explore every nook and cranny in your new six-room house. You now understand why the locals were so weary of this house and always avoided it. There are however still some areas you have yet to fully search. One day as you were putting your groceries in the pantry for the first time, you notice a small crease in the wall. You put your hand up to the wall and realize it is actually an indentation. You grab your box cutter that you were just using and poke it right through the gaudy wallpaper that you wanted to replace anyway. You pull the blade across the wall. You hit a hard beam. You turn the blade downward and slice vertically to the floor. As you make the final cut through the wallpaper, the wall opens up and a doorway appears. Before you lies a small six-foot hallway with a door at the end of it. You walk six feet down the hallway to the door and grab the handle. It's locked. You are glad because you've seen enough horror movies to know that you really didn't want to know what was behind that door. With a sigh of relief, you turn around and walk back towards the kitchen. You take three steps forward, when an icy-cold wind blows right through you, taking the breath out of you. You stop in your tracks. You hear a loud creaking sound behind you. You turn around. The door is open. Again, you've seen enough horror movies to know that you shouldn't so anywhere near that door. But, just as you – the Hardings – were called to this house, you are being called to this doorway. You physically can't help it. You feel yourself being pulled to the doorway. You find yourself peering down into a dimly-lit basement. Again, you have seen enough horror movies to know that you don't want to go down those stairs. But, yet again, you are physically pulled by some force down the stairs. The next thing you know you are standing on the cold concrete floor, staring up at the bright light emanating from the only way into and out of the basement. You feel the icy-cold wind again. The door slams shut and locks. The lights go out. You now find yourself trapped in the Seventh Room.

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Frisson / Horreur
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Âge minimum
1 ans

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647 escapes réalisés 647 escapes 640 escapes notés 640 avis 8 avis utiles salle jouée le 20 octobre 2024 joué le 20 oct. 2024
Cela me fait toujours de la peine de souligner les défauts d’un jeu qui est par ailleurs formidable. C’est vraiment ainsi que je décrirais cette salle toute récente de chez Dare 2 Escape : énormément de qualités et de potentiel, mais aussi des ajustements à faire rendant plusieurs énigmes assez frustrantes.
Nous sommes restés bien trop longtemps dans la première salle, avec tellement d’énigmes sans lien les unes avec les autres et sans vraiment d’intérêt, que lorsque nous sommes passés à la suite, plein de supers effets et de surprises, notre enthousiasme (pourtant légendaire) était bien retombé.
C’est vraiment dommage car l’agencement, les effets waow et l’ambiance sont totalement au rdv, avec des décors et des objets rarement vus ailleurs et que nous adorons !!!
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Décor et son





1393 escapes réalisés 1393 escapes 1331 escapes notés 1331 avis 92 avis utiles salle jouée le 20 octobre 2024 joué le 20 oct. 2024

Décor et son








2 joueurs ont joué cette salle

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Dare 2 Escape - Kissimmee

5 jeux

5041 W Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy, 34746 Kissimmee

+1 407-507-0018


5041 W Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy, 34746 Kissimmee

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