Invisible Forest

Salle fermée
PanIQ Room - Budapest
0,7 / 5 3 avis
1 test

You and your friends have decided to go on a trip to the nearby forest, but after one wrong decision this tranquil adventure turns into a horrid nightmare.
Out of nowhere appears a strangely peculiar fungi which is impossible to resist. When you hear it's calling you can't help but taste it.

Suddenly none of you are able to use your eyesight and thats when you remember the words of the local forester: ”Every once in a while a strange fungi appears in the middle of the forest. Nobody knows where it comes from or why it appears but when it does only those with a strong will are able to resist it's enticing powers.
If it finds you remember you have 60 minutes to make your way back to my house, where I have the needed antidote. Otherwise the blindness will last forever!

Caution: You will be in complete darkness the whole time!

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Enquête / Mystère

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594 salles testées
Bilan : à éviter

559 escapes réalisés 559 escapes 455 escapes notés 455 avis salle jouée le 18 novembre 2018 joué le 18 nov. 2018

919 escapes réalisés 919 escapes 874 escapes notés 874 avis salle jouée le 18 novembre 2018 joué le 18 nov. 2018


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