The Matrix

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MindQuest - Budapest
3 / 5 1 avis
1 test

Reality is not always what it seems! Something has profoundly changed for quite a while now, but only a few have come to recognize this. A lot of people have the feeling as if they were dreaming while awake, as if they were living in a constant experience of déjà vu... little do they know what You already understand. Reality is not always what it seems... Under the surface, machines and an artificial intelligence called the Matrix is controlling the world. However, a handful of rebels decide to take the fight to the Matrix. Along the years of their war they manage to get hold of some information about a virus which can destroy the system if they manage to upload it to the main server of the Matrix and by this it can put an end to the reign of the machines. You are the chosen team who can attempt this mission. There is a lot at stake since no one has ever been closer to change the fate of humanity. Your mission takes you to the streets of San Francisco, but it only depends on you how you can move on from there.

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Virus / Asile / Hôpital

MindQuest - Budapest

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La rédaction d'EscapeGame•fr
808 salles testées
Les décors de cet escape game sont extrêmement sommaires, tout juste passables... Heureusement, le jeu a d’autres qualités : vous noterez notamment quelques manipulations originales et astucieuses. Les différentes énigmes que vous affronterez durant cette aventure linéaire sont très variées, et conviendront aussi bien à des équipes débutantes que chevronnées. Nous avons testé cette salle à Budapest, mais également à Paris, chez Victory Escape Game : si vous souhaitez avoir plus de détails sur ce jeu, nous vous invitons à lire notre review ici ! Sachez d'ailleurs que...


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