Zero Level Energy

LogIQrooms - Budapest
0,5 / 5 2 avis
1 test

As a result of a giant solar flare, the air of the Earth became temporarily toxic. With the powerful solar storms, particles are released into the atmosphere, which kill immediately in the lungs.

You're in an underground bunker for the most critical days, where a supercomputer ensures the conditions for living. In the past few days, the outdoor instruments have signaled that the air is clear again, but you have not received any information on how to get out of the bunker that you've been living in life so far. This is also a big problem because the bunker wins its energy from its own energy storage, but now the power plants are almost completely depleted.

Since the air supply and the exit door are also controlled by the computer, you need to start a backup power supply before the machines stop and the bunker will become your final gravestone.

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Les potes d’échappement
594 salles testées
Très déçus de ce premier accueil en Hongrie. Même si je sais que cela ne se passe pas toujours comme cela, ce fut une très mauvaise gestion de leur part car nous étions sur le lieu du rendez vous à l’heure à laquelle j’avais initialement réservé et que rien n’a été proposé pour nous permettre de reprogrammer notre session plus tard dans la soirée qui ne faisait que commencer.

919 escapes réalisés 919 escapes 874 escapes notés 874 avis salle jouée le 16 novembre 2018 joué le 16 nov. 2018


5 joueurs ont joué cette salle

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Almássy u. 3., 1000 Budapest

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