Hælsikkes Zombia

Bodø Actionhall - Bodø
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The zombie apocalypse spread all over the world, and eventually swallowed Bodø too!

Before the government moved the defense completely from Bodø, a special unit had almost completed project “ApocalypseBunkers”. The mission was to create a bunker that could protect an elite group from any type of apocalypse. The bunker was filled with food, weapons and defense systems, and was placed hidden in the middle of Bodø city center, with a bar as a front, to keep it hidden from the public. The bunker was abandoned when the defense forces withdrew from Bodø.

Your group, led by Sergeant Jan-Claus Van Skelig, has found information about which bar it is, and will try to get into the bunker, get hold of food and weapons, and get the defense systems up and running again, before a horde of heeled zombies attack! Hurry up!

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Âge minimum
18 ans

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Storgata 8, 8006 Bodø

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