
ExitRoom - Berlin
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Carl Großmann is a name that lets every German curdle his blood. He is a serial killer that brings the term “Maniac” to another level. His approach is always the same, he is looking for his next victim group in the late nights of Berlin and locks them into his Horror House. Nobody ever came out alive and not even the police can prove guilt.
To prevent the worst the Police came up with a (time restricted) Lockdown (after 10 pm). But after a Long party, with some good drinks and music at your friends place, it happened...
You are on your way Home, only 2 more blocks to walk. You hear the bell ringing 12. Fear is building up in you and you start to walk faster. Suddenly everything turns black and the next thing you remember is waking up in a dark and mysterious room.

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Frisson / Horreur
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An der Kolonnade 4, 10178 Berlin

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