Jolly Roger

Escape box
Komnata Quest - Andorre-la-Vieille
3,5 / 5 1 avis

In the depths of the ocean, covered in shells and mud, rests a chest as old as the oldest Pirates of the Caribbean. Nobody knows where it is. All that is known is that once every hundred years, at low tide, an entrance to an ancient cave emerges from beneath the sea and next to that cave, inside, is the Blackbeard Pirate's Chest, locked with a thousand and one riddles that many have tried to open, but none have succeeded.

It is said that the chest has been found by another great Pirate, the Pirate Cutface. He was never very skilled at solving riddles, so he has decided to transport it on his ship to force the wisest of the new world to open it for him, thereby What he doesn't count on is that a group of intrepid stowaways anticipate his evil intentions. Can you unravel the mystery of the chest and take possession of its treasures?

​But be careful, you will only have one hour until the chest, wherever it is, vanishes and returns to the depths of the ocean next to the cave that houses it.

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Âge minimum
16 ans

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1532 escapes réalisés 1532 escapes 1528 escapes notés 1528 avis 1196 avis utiles salle jouée le 3 janvier 2021 joué le 3 janv. 2021
Un hall escape, avec un joli coffre bardé d'électronique et de technologie et quelques énigmes originales. C'est sympa mais ça ne remplace pas une vraie salle. C'est jouable en mode VS et quelques soucis techniques ne sont pas à exclure.

Décor et son






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Komnata Quest - Andorre-la-Vieille

3 jeux

Antic Carrer Major 25, AD500 Andorre-la-Vieille


Antic Carrer Major 25, AD500 Andorre-la-Vieille

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