Aurum - Order of Gold

Backspace - Amsterdam
4 / 5 1 avis

Go back in time 150 years
Escape Room Aurum Order of Gold tells the story of the Order of the Golden Dawn. A secret society founded in London in 1884. The influential members build temples in various places. Little is known about the goals of the Order, although it is said that they were trying to make gold.

In the late 1930s, the order disappeared and most temples were closed. No one knows if they managed to make gold. But maybe you will find out now...

Plus d'informations

Frisson / Horreur, Enquête / Mystère
Langues disponibles
Âge minimum
18 ans

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554 escapes réalisés 554 escapes 544 escapes notés 544 avis salle jouée le 11 novembre 2024 joué le 11 nov. 2024

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Transformatorweg 30a, 1014 AK Amsterdam

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